Marine Claims

General Cargo

Inland Auto

Ocean Auto
General Information

(TMCS) provides a broad range of transportation-related claims services involving all the major transport modes, such as ocean, air and inland through fully-staffed marine departments in our New York and Pasadena offices.

Loss Adjusting

TMCS employs a thorough process to ensure quick, accurate loss evaluation and adjustment. Our adjusting staff is among the best in the business and includes individuals who have earned their CPCU, CII and AMIN designations. Each account is assigned to a specific adjuster. This gives clients access to one individual who manages the process from the initial report through the final resolution. A single point of contact throughout the claims process results in greater ease, convenience and accountability to our clients.

Our expertise and resources enable us to match the right specialist with the right commodity and the particular loss or damage. We have hundreds of experts at our disposal, both domestic and worldwide, and are not limited to an internal staff of surveyors. This speeds the adjustment process and ensures claims are resolved in the best financial way possible whether within the United States or overseas. With a worldwide network of over 300 professional claim agents, TMCS can provide clients with quality services on a global basis.


TMCS’ aggressive recovery efforts have earned us the reputation of producing superior results for our clients. Headed by an attorney with many years’ experience in maritime and inland transportation, our recovery department handles claims against carriers in all major transportation modes.

Our flexibility allows us to tailor recovery services to meet the specific needs of our clients, whether we are working with an insurer, risk manager or broker. We work under a very competitive “no cure/no pay” fee scale and TMCS clients have access to our network of attorneys at preferred billing rates. Our size and volume ensure that clients have access to the best legal services worldwide.

Our hallmark is providing ‘value added” to our traditional recovery services. For example, our staff will work with risk or logistics managers in reviewing carrier transportation and warehousing contracts with the objective of:

  • Maximizing carriers’ legal liability
  • Minimizing carriers’ defenses
  • Protecting brand value

Specialized Services

At TMCS, we work with automobile manufacturers to provide effective claims services for transit and storage of new and re-marketed vehicles. Our extensive database on the types of damage and related causes, allows us to develop effective and measurable loss prevention programs for our clients.

With the success of such customized programs, we have earned an enviable reputation as a recognized leader in providing direct and comprehensive claims management support to auto manufacturers and their distributors.